1.ubiquitous:a. 普遍存在的
We were plagued by the ubiquitous mosquito.我們被無處不在的蚊子所困擾。
2.ulcer:n. 潰瘍
3.ulterior:a. 1.隱秘的2.別有用心的
She definitely had an ulterior motive in offering to help.她主動提出幫忙, 肯定有不可告人的動機。
His trousers fell down but he appeared quite unabashed.他的褲子掉了下來, 可他卻顯得滿不在乎。
5.unassuming:a. 不愛表現的,謙虛的
Despite his position, he has an unassuming personality.雖然有地位, 但他為人謙遜。
6.unbecoming:a. 1.不適合的2.不得體的
Although not illegal his conduct was unbecoming for a lawyer.他的行為雖不違法,卻與其律師身份不相稱。
His powers of observation were uncanny.他的觀察能力非常驚人。
8.unceremonious:a. 不拘禮節的
On the stage, you could make an unceremonious presentation在舞臺上,你可以隨意地表現。
9.uncouth:a. 粗野的,無教養的
To a Japanese, spilling anything is uncouth.對日本人來說, 潑濺任何東西都是不文明的。
10.underachieve:v. 成績不理想
The case for choice is appealing:by allowing parents to send their children to any school in any neighborhood, underachieving schools will be forced to shape up.任意選擇[學校]的主意很討好:允許父母送子女到任何住宅區里的任何學校,可以逼迫成績落后的學校改進。