


發表時間:2014/3/20 8:57:30 來源:互聯網 點擊關注微信:關注中大網校微信

(31) A. in addition

B. in other words

C. in a word

D. in summary

(32) A. sounds

B. gestures

C. signs

D. movements

(33) A. such that

B. as that

C. so that

D. in that

(34) A. in

B. with

C. of

D. upon

(35) A. spelt

B. combined

C. written

D copied

(36) A. written down

B. handed down

C. remembered

D. observed

(37) A. and

B. yet

C. also

D. or

(38) A. functions

B. associations

C. roles

D. links

(39) A. filled

B. full

C. live

D. active

(40) A. but

B. or

C. yet

D. and

(41) A. reappear

B. recall

C. remember

D. recollect

(42) A. read and think

B. read and recall

C. read and learn

D. read and recite

(43) A. raises

B. increases

C. improves

D. emerges

(44) A. intensively

B. extensively

C. broadly

D. powerfully

(45) A. charming

B. academic

C. conventional

D. common

(46) A. written

B. spoken

C. literary

D. dramatic

(47) A. signs

B. words

C. style

D. sound

(48) A. in

B. on

C. over

D. by

(49) A. move

B. engage

C. make

D. force

(50) A. transform

B. change

C. make

D. convert


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