

2011年跟單員輔導:跟單英語-Insurance 保險2

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為了幫助考生系統的復習跟單員考試課程 全面的了解跟單員考試的相關重點,小編特編輯匯總了2011年跟單員考試相關資料,希望對您參加本次考試有所幫助!!


Dialogue 1

A: Good afternoon, Mr. Brown. My appointment was at 4 o’clock, wasn’t it?

B: Yes, Mrs. Wang. We have been expecting you. Mrs. Wang, this is Mr. Jordan of the People’s Insurance Company of China. He has come to explain the unfortunate affair about the insurance.

A: Thank you for coming. Mr. Brown, as you may recall, the

February consignment arrived at Manila seriously damaged. The loss through breakage was over 30% of the consignment. We’ve presented a claim to the underwriters through your firm, but the insurance company refused to admit liability, as there was no insurance on breakage. We naturally were not satisfied with such a reply.

B: I should like to hear what Mr. Jordan has to say about it. You know of course that we, the sellers, are merely acting as mediators in this matter. The Insurance Company is responsible for the claim, as far as it is within the scope of coverage.

J: That’s just the point. The loss in question was beyond the

coverage granted by us. According to your instructions, we made out an insurance certificate covering W.P.A. and the risk of break- age wasn’t mentioned in it. We rang up the Ceramics Section of Light Industrial Products Import & Export Corporation, but were told that their customer had not asked for coverage in case of breakage.

-- 下午好,布朗先生。我們約好四點鐘見面,是不是?

-- 是的,王小姐。我們一直在等你。王小姐,這位是中國人民保險公 司的喬丹先生。他是來解釋這次不幸事件的保險問題的。

-- 謝謝你來。布朗先生,你也許記得,二月份發運到馬尼拉的那批貨 物破碎嚴重。破碎損失超過這批貨物的百分之三十。我們已通過你 們公司向保險公司提出了索賠,但保險公司以沒投保破碎險為由, 拒絕承擔責任。我們當然對這種回答不滿意。

-- 我想聽聽喬丹先生對此有什么看法。當然,你是知道的,我們賣方 對這種事只是個調解人。只要在保險責任范圍內,保險公司就應負 賠償責任。

-- 問題就在這里。你說的損失并不包括在我們承保的責任范圍之內。 根據你們的要求,我們出具了投保水漬險的保險憑證,但沒提及到 破碎險。我們曾打電話給輕工業品公司陶瓷品部,但他們說,客戶 并未要求投保破碎險。

B: In the letter of credit only coverage for all marine risks?was requested. I should like to point out that our prices were calcu- lated without insurance for any special risk. So we applied for the usual W.P.A. coverage and let our customers deal with the matter of breakage. Since the validity of the letter of credit was going to expire in two days, there was no time to write for more detailed instructions. If the L/C had been valid for a longer period, we should have had time to make the matter thoroughly clear.

A: Mr. Brown, our import license only ran up to the middle of February, consequently we were not able to extend the validity of the letter of credit. But we presume that the wording of our L/C implies covering the risk of breakage. Besides, when I take a W.P. A. insurance, that is, with particular average, I should think the risk of breakage is a par ticular average, isn’t it?

J: Not every breakage is a particular average. It is a particular aver- age when the breakage results from natural ca lam i ties or mar i time accidents, such as stranding and sinking of the car ry ing vessel, or is attributable to fire, explosion or collision. If none of these conditions occur, break age is often considered as an or di nary loss and rep re sents what we call ?inherent vice or nature of the subject matter insured? which is outside the scope of the coverage.

-- 信用證只要求投保“綜合海運險”。我想要指出的是,我們的價格 沒把任何特殊險計算在內,所以我們只投保了通常的水漬險,而讓 我們的客戶自行辦理破碎險事宜。由于信用證兩天內就要到期,來 不及寫出更詳細的說明。如果信用證的有效期長一點的話,我們就 會有時間把事情徹底說清楚。

-- 布朗先生,我們進口許可證的有效期到二月中旬截止,因此我們無 法延長信用證的有效期。但是我方認為信用證的措辭包含了投保破 碎險。此外,當我投保水漬險時,那就是對單獨海損要負責賠償, 我想破碎險是屬于一種單獨海損,對不對?

-- 并不是所有破碎險都是屬于單獨海損。只是由于自然災害或意外事 故所造成的破碎,如貨船擱淺與沉沒,或歸因于著火、爆炸、或碰 撞所引起的破碎才算是屬于單獨海損。如果沒有發生上述事故,破 碎便常被認為是一種普通損失,也就是我們所說的,由于“貨物內 在缺陷或特性”所引起的損失,不屬于承保范圍之內。

A: But the risk of breakage is covered by marine insurance, isn’t it?

J: Certainly, but it is a usual practice to make specific mention in the insurance policy or certificate that the risk of breakage is included. The inclusion of this special risk will be subject to an additional premium that will normally be higher than the basic insurance for the ordinary marine risks. The rate for such risk will vary accord- ing to the kind of commodity, or, as in ceramics, according to the fragility of the goods. I think you must know all about that.

A: Well, I have heard something about it but I can’t say that it is very clear to me. I must admit I’m a layman as far as insurance is concerned.

J: Then let me explain this insurance.

B: Mrs. Wang, would you care for a cup of tea? Or some coffee?

A: Thank you. A cup of tea would be nice. And now, let me hear more about the problem of insurance.

-- 但破碎險是包括在海洋運輸貨物險之內,對不對?

-- 當然,可是按照通常慣例要在保險單或保險憑證上特別注明破碎 險包括在內。包括這種特別險就必須附加保險費。這種保險費一 般要比通常的海洋運輸貨物險的基本險高。這類險別的保險費率 將根據貨物種類,比如陶瓷器,根據貨物的易脆性而有所不同。我想這些你應該都知道。

-- 哦,我聽說過一些,但我不能說很清楚。我得承認,就保險而言,我是個外行。

-- 那我來解釋一下這種保險吧。

-- 王小姐,想喝杯茶呢還是咖啡?

-- 謝謝,來杯茶倒挺好的。現在,我還想再聽聽關于保險的問題。


2011年跟單員輔導:跟單英語-Insurance 保險匯總








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