世界貿易組織 World Trade Organization(WTO)
《關稅與貿易總協定》 General Agreement on Trade and Tariff(GATT)
高峰關稅 Tariff Peak
從量稅 Specific Duty
從價稅 Ad Valorem Duties
關稅減讓 Tariff Concession
關稅配額 Tariff Quota
關稅升級 Tariff Escalation
技術性貿易壁壘 Technical Barriers to Trade(TBT)
技術法規 Technical Regulations
技術標準 Technical Standards
合格評定程序 Conformity Assessment Procedures
反吸收 Anti-absorption
反規避 Anti-circumvention
《與貿易有關的知識產權協定》 Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights(TRIPs)
《與貿易有關的投資措施協議》 Agreement on Trade-Related Investment Measures(TRIMs)
《農業協議》 Agreement on Agriculture
《服務貿易總協定》 General Agreement on Trade in Services(GATS)
《實施衛生與植物衛生措施協議》Agreement on the Implementation of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures(SPS)
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