
improve [im'pru:v]
v. 改善(amend, polish up, enhance, make better)改進(get better, develop, progress)
improve on/upon...           ...加以改進
improve price               提高價格
improve the opportunity       利用[抓住]機會
e.g. we'll try our best盡最大努力 to improve.
 n. 改進, 進步(advance, progress, development)
make improvement in...       ...方面取得進步
e.g. there is need for improvement in your handwriting.書法
incident ['insidənt]
n. 事件(affair, event, matter, occurrence, accident)
e.g. this incident set me thinking.
include [in'klu:d]
vt.包括(comprise, involve)包含(contain, cover)
e.g. please include me in the list.名單
income ['in,kʌm]
n. 收入收益(earnings)
income tax      n. 所得稅
e.g. he needs a high income to support 支持such a large family.
increase [in'kri:s]
v.增加(add to, enhance, gain),加大
n. 增加,增大
on the increase         正在增加
an increase in ...        ...方面增加
e.g. divorce離婚 is on the increase.
n. 獨立, 自主
independence day      美國獨立日(74)
e.g. their independence was a sham.[ʃæm] 欺騙
independent [,indi'pendənt]
adj. 獨立自主的不依賴...
be independent of...     ...無關不依賴...
be independent on...     依靠...依賴...
an independent country  獨立國
e.g. she is so independent that she refused all pecuniary [pi'kju:njəri]金錢上 aid.
index ['indeks]
n. (p1.)指數標志(sign, symbol)指標
index of crime              []罪案指數
index finger                食指
e.g. the book is not well indexed.
india ['indiə]
n. 印度
indian ['indiən]
n. /adj. 印度 ()印度人()印地安人 ()
indian ocean 印度洋
indicate ['indikeit]
vt. 指出(point out, show, reveal, display)顯示(convey, express, mean)
e.g. don't forget to indicate before turning.轉彎
individual [,indi'vidjuəl]
n. 個人個體
adj.個人的(personal, private)獨特的(characteristic, different, distinct, particular, peculiar, special, unique)
e.g. she has her own individual way of walking.
industry ['indəstri]   n. 工業產業
the advertising industry      廣告業
the heavy industry          重工業
the tourist industry          旅游業
the information industry      信息產業
the insurance industry        保險業
e.g. the tourist trade旅游業 has become a real industry.
infect [in'fekt]  vt. []傳染(contaminate)感染(affect, influence, touch, inspire)
be infected with...        v. 感染...傳染上...
e.g. your cold will infect other people.
influence ['influəns]  n. 影響(infection, effect, impact)有影響的人(或事)
vt. 影響(affect )
have an influence/effect/ impact on...          ...有影響
come under the influence of...                開始受...的影響
a man of influence                         有勢力的人
e.g. he is a man of some influence in the government circles.
inform [in'fɔ:m]
v. 通知(notify)告訴(tell), 告發(accuse, report)
be informed of...              聽說...接到關于...的通知
keep ...informed              隨時向...報告情況
inform against...              告發...
e.g. please inform me of the result.結果
n.消息(message, news, word)情報資料(data)
a piece of information        一條消息
information age             信息化時代
e.g. do you share this information?
vt. 注射注入, (introduce, initiate)
inject... into...                ...注入...
inject ...with...                ...注入...
e.g. we hope to inject new life into our work.
injure ['indʒə]
vt.損害(damage, ruin)傷害(harm, hurt, wound)
injure one’s pride         傷害某人的自尊心
e.g. she was injured badly in the accident.
injury ['indʒəri]
n. 傷害(hurt)毀壞(harm, damage)
suffer injuries to ...          ...受傷
e.g. he suffered serious injuries to the arms and legs.
insect ['insekt]
n. 昆蟲
insect infection        昆蟲傳染
e.g. the bee is a diligent勤勞的 insect.
inside ['in'said]
n. 里面內部
adj. 內部的(inner) adv. 在內部prep. ...之內
inside out           里子朝外地完全地徹底地
inside information    內部消息內部情報
e.g. this lock can only be opened from the inside.
insist [in'sist]
v. 堅持(persist, adhere)強調(emphasize, stress)
insist on/upon(= stick to/persist in/ adhere to)    堅持...堅決主張...
insist that----            堅持……
e.g. he insisted that he had done right.
install [in'stɔ:l]
vt. 安裝(fit, fix)安置(put)
e.g. the workers are installing a heating system.供暖系統
instance ['instəns]
n. 實例例子(example)
for instance(= for example)       例如舉例說
in all instances                 在一切情況下
in no instance                  在任何情況下都不
e.g. this is only one instance out of many.
n. 學會(academy, association), 學院(college), 研究所
vt. 建立(establish, set up, found)制定
e.g. he graduated from a famous foreign language institute.外國語大學
instruct [in'strʌkt]
vt. (teach, educate, guide), 教導, 指示(command, direct)
instruct sb. in ...            教某人...方面的知識
instruct sb. to do sth.        命令某人做...
e.g. his uncle instructed him in french.
instruction [in'strʌkʃən]
n. 指導(direction) (pl.)用法說明()指示
give instruction in...       講授...
an instruction book        說明書
e.g. you must obey服從 my instruction.
n. 智力(brains, intellect, mind)智能
intelligence quotient['kwəuʃənt]iq智商
an intelligence test         智力測驗
an intelligence agent       間諜,情報人員
e.g. his intelligence quotient is very high.

intend [in'tend] 
vt. 想要打算(plan, mean, aim)
intend to do sth.          打算做...
(sth.) be intended for...     (某物)打算供...使用
e.g. i intended to catch the early train, but i didn't get up起床 in time.
n. 興趣(pl.)利益(benefit, profit)利息
vt.使發生興趣(appeal to, attract, fascinate)
the public interests         公共利益
be interested in...          ...感興趣
in the interest of ...         為了...的利益
e.g. studying did not interest him.
vt. 介紹present),提出(put forward)引進(initiate)
introduce oneself       做自我介紹
introduce... into...       ...引進入...
introduce sb. to ...       將某人介紹給...(另一個人)
e.g. could you introduce me to her?
invent  [in'vent]
vt. 發明(devise)創造(create)
invent a story         虛構一個故事
e.g. we must invent an excuse借口 for our absence.缺席
invention [in'venʃən]
n. 發明, 創造(creation)
e.g. your invention is not practical.實用的
v. ()購買
invest in ...             ...上投資, 購買...
invest money in ...        ...上投資
e.g. i won't invest my money in his company.公司
v.調查(examine, research, survey), 研究(explore, look into, study, go into)
e.g. the police警察 are investigating the murder謀殺
invite  [in'vait]
vt. 邀請(ask, encourage, request)招致吸引(attract, tempt)
invite disaster              惹禍
invite sb. to...(a place)       邀請某人到...(地點)
e.g. we invited all our relatives親戚 to the wedding.婚禮
involve [in'vɔlv]
vt.包括(comprise, include, contain)使陷于牽涉
be involved in...    包含在...被卷入...專心地()...
e.g. not all funds基金 involve oil石油 money.
n. 出版 (報刊等)問題(question, problem, argument, controversy, dispute, matter)
vt. 出版(書等)(publish)發行(鈔票等)發布(命令)(release),(使流出
issue an order            發布命令
issue paper money        發行紙幣
issue from...             ...流出
issue of shares            股票的發行
issue of law              []法律上的爭論點
e.g. is every issue black or white?

japan [dʒə'pæn]
n. (j-)日本
adj. 日本的, 日本人的, 日語的n. 日本人, 日語
job [dʒɔb]
n. 工作(employment, work), 職位(position)職責(duty, task)
a part-time job        兼職工作
a full-time job         全職工作
do a good job         干得不錯
on the job            工作著
e.g. he found a job in advertising. 廣告業
join [dʒɔin]
v.參加(participate in, register for, sign up for)
連結(combine, connect, link, unite), ...在一起(follow, go with)
join...to...      ......連在一起
join sb.        與某人在一起
join the army    參軍
e.g. he joined us in the discussion討論 yesterday.
joint  [dʒɔint]
n. 接合處關節
adj.連接的聯合的(associated, federal, united)
joint author         合著者
joint family         數代同堂的大家庭
joint venture         合資企業
out of joint          脫臼出了問題
e.g. the doctor put his bone into the joint again.
journal  ['dʒə:nəl]
n. 雜志(magazine), 航海日記(diary)分類帳(book of account)
e.g. the journal is published monthly.
journey  ['dʒə:nəl]
n. 旅行旅程(trip, travel, tour, voyage)
be (away) on a journey     在旅行中
e.g. it is in life as in a journey.
joy [dʒɔi]
n. 歡樂, 喜悅(delight, happiness)
to one’s joy/happiness/delight      令某人高興的是
be full of joy/happiness/delight     充滿快樂
e.g. i saw the joy in her smiling face.
judge [dʒʌdʒ]
v.判斷(decide, conclude, consider, guess)判決(sentence, verdict)
n. 法官裁判員(referee)鑒賞家(critic expert)
judging by/from...    根據...判斷
e.g. the judge's words proved true.
jump   [dʒʌmp]
v./n. (leap, bound)跳過猛增(rise, soar)
jump down sb.'s throat       突然打斷某人
jump over...               跳過...
jump to a conclusion        冒然斷定過早下結論
jump up                  突然起立
jump upon...               猛撲向...叱責...
jump a train               違章搭乘火車
e.g. jump when i give you an order.
junior ['dʒu:njə]
n. (年齡、職位等)較低者大學三年級學
adj. 年少的(younger)下級的(inferior, lower)
be junior to...             ...年少/級別低
junior high school         初中
e.g. he is studying at a junior middle school.
justice  ['dʒʌstis]
n. 正義公平司法
bring sb. to justice         使某人受到法律制裁
do justice to...            公平對待/審判...
e.g. i want justice in this matter.